Friday, September 3, 2010


My eyes could barely take in the beauty all around me upon waking. Since we arrived in the dark of the night I had no idea what magic lay all around me. As I walked out all around us were snow-covered peaks: majestic, crisp and pristine.

the beautiful morning view

The early morning sun along with the hustle and bustle for morning puja melted all the pain away from my screaming thighs, knees and back. One look, one breath and yesterday's struggle was beyond worth it. I don’t know if I would have appreciated the divine all around me if I had not endured the journey as I did the day before.

Kedarnath Peaks

Our plans to continue further along the trail to Chorabar Lake – which was a very steep climb to 3900 meters.( approx. 13,000 feet) But upon inquiry and conversation Rashek decided that it was too dangerous for us to continue onward for mudslides and snow avalanches were a strong possibility along the path. So we opted for a shorter trek, but equally beautiful site to a smaller, pure mountain lake. So after a nice morning bucket shower and abhyanga (a modified form) as one does not need to take care of the skin in these high elevations and I was not about to let Vata take over any more then it already had, we were ready to go.

The first few minutes of our uphill climb were difficult and I wondered if I was pushing my limits but then I let my mind be light – no more thought – just breathe, feel and look around. And all was good until a huge waterfall had descended on the path and the crossing over it looked beyond sketch. You know it’s time to worry when the both the guide and your mountain loving partner both take a LONG pause to survey the situation. So shoes come off and hand to hand we walk through resisting the strong pull of the glacier waterfall, making my feet numb and cramped.

the waterfall

I realize from this point on that nothing will come easy – this trip is going to push every physical and mental limit to the max 108 times. As we approached the lake, which is really more like a pond, I noticed to my right the beginning of a glacier. And sure enough this was the glacier opening to the sacred Mandikini River of Kedarnath – water gushing out at full force – fierce and strong.

After our nice picnic the monsoon clouds once again quickly began to move in and we packed our bags to walk back before once again being caught in the rain while trekking. I was so happy, warm and dry that the last thing I wanted to invite into this experience were the qualities of cold and damp upon my skin. We retuned just in time as the sky released another monsoon downpour that we listened and watched with a cup of warm chai around our hands.

Our pond at 17,000 ft.

Later that afternoon with little to do (a real luxury in my life) we pondered upon how to occupy our non-busy selves as both Scott and I laughed at the idea! Is this really happening … time on our hands. Really?

We borrowed a deck of cards from the kitchen staff, used Prasad candy as chips and introduced our Rashek to the wonderful world of Blackjack. I played the role of dealer and beginner’s luck would have it he cleaned both Scott and house out of all our candy. He’s addicted. I think he’s a card shark. Scott was incredulous he’d lost. He hates to loose – I’m glad someone else is experiencing some mental breakthroughs.

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